Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

It's been a long time since I've up-dated my blog. Sorry about that.

This is my new scooter! It gets about 100 miles to the gallon, and I really enjoy riding it. It's a 150 cc scooter, and can easily go 55 mph, so riding it on the highway here in Central Oregon is not a problem.

I bought my scooter from the Scooter Station in Portland. I wasn't planning on buying it, but after I took it for a test drive, how could I pass it up?

After working at the Catering Company in Tucson this summer, I came back to Sisters and returned to work at the ACE Hardware Store. I'm still trying to purchase my own Semi-truck so I can drive long-haul. This is the truck that I'd like to buy:

It's a good time to be buying stuff right now ... prices are low and for used equipment, there's a good selection to choose from. This truck is a 2005 Volvo (one of the best trucks on the market for safety!), and it has a large sleeper unit behind the cab. I could see myself driving this around the country for the next couple of years.

I did some more hiking on the Pacific Crest Trail this summer, and while I still have not completed the entire 2,600 miles yet, I know that I will soon.