It was a perfect day at Hoodoo Ski Resort today!
A snow boarder took this shot with Three Fingered Jack in the background.
This shot shows Three Fingered Jack and Mt. Jefferson. The sky was so blue!
They have a very nice lodge at Hoodoo Ski Resort.
One of the groomer machines was getting the runs ready just before they opened.
I rode up to the hill on the Hoodoo employee bus for $3. Not too bad! The bus left at 7:10 a.m., and we were up at the lodge before 8:00. It gave me some time to relax, enjoy a cup of Hot Chocolate, and get my ski boots on before the lifts started up at 9:00.
I was very surprised to see so few people there for as nice of day as it was. There were no lines and the runs were not very busy at all.