I had a box waiting for me at the Dunsmuir Post Office with a replacement backpack. The zipper on my original backpack broke, and Granite Gear sent me a new one. I was able to make it to the Post Office before 5:30 pm, but I didn't think I would make it. The on-ramp to I-5 was very slow. Fortunately, the very first car that went by stopped and offered me a ride to Dunsmiur!
I ate dinner at the Pizza Factory in Dunsmuir, and then caught the S.T.A.G.E. bus to Yreka (only $5!). From there, I was able to hitch a ride with a very nice family from Washington to Ashland, where I plan to stay for couple of nights.
On my hike to Castella today, there was a trail detour that was very steep down hill, and I think that I might have irritated my left knee ... the same knee that was giving me problems on the bike ride in Texas. I'm going to take two zero days here in Ashland to see how my knee does. I don't think that keeping the pace of 21 miles per day has helped it any, either. Last night, I hiked until about 10:30 p.m., and by the time I finally found a place to camp, I was sore all over. This could be the beginning of the end ... time will tell.
Another option that I'm considering is to skip ahead to this part of the PCT (at Ashland). That would allow me to drop back to about 15 miles per day and still make it to Canada by October 1st. Then, in October, I could come back to Dunsmiur and pick up the section of the trail that I'm skipping now. Part of this section is closed right now due to a fire, and by October, this closed section might be open again.
Tomorrow, though, I'm going to try to get a ticket for a play here in Ashland and enjoy a few days of relaxation!
This sign was posted on a tree right before the logging operation detour ... I guess it might apply to the whole trail, though.
I'm running out of space on my memory cards again. I need to find a place where I can download them to CD's and start fresh. I've been taking a lot of photos. Some days, it very hard to decide which photos to post here on the Blog.
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