After 8,740 km, I decided that it was time for my 2003 Hunter 50 cc scooter to find a new home. I pushed it about 2 miles from my storage unit to McKay High School Automotive Shops. I'm sure they will have as much fun with it as I had.
The kick starter broke, and the electric starter just wouldn't start it anymore. Once it was running, it would run like a tiger (or, maybe more like a kitten!) I remember that I used to park it next to all the Harley-Davidson Motorcycles at work, hoping that some day it would grow up to be a real motorcycle!
And if I can't find anyone to buy my Toyota Station Wagon in the next two days, I'll be donating that one as well!
Thanks to the snow, and my office closing down, I was able to get a lot more packed and carted over to my storage unit! That was good thing. I have a truck reserved for Wednesday for the larger items, like my bed and the washing machine / dryer combo, two love seats and a couch, plus some odds and ends yet to move. I also have some help lined up for Wednesday, so that will work out well.
I can't believe that I'm leaving in 3 days!
Good luck on your adventure.
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