The flowers have been unbelievable here in the Sierra Mountains.

I camped with a group of employes from the Berkley REI Store. Here they are eating breakfast at the Red's Meadow Cafe.

After a morning soak, I got a late start on the trail at 9:00 a.m. I had a hot hike today, and even ran out of water on a big climb. I should have filtered water at the bridge at Island Crossing, but I thought that there would be more water up ahead, so I waited ... mistake!
Once I got to Red's Meadow, they were serving Beef Stew for dinner ... It was great! They even had pie for desert.
At the campgound, there were about 20 trail hikers camped. I camped with a group of REI Employees. We had a great time telling stories from the trail.
I told the one about the two old hikers that were both carring very heavy packs, and as they approached each other from different directions, they couldn't decide who should step aside to let the other one pass on the narrow trail. Finally, the decided to both take out their REI cards to see who had the lower number (oldest REI member) and that person would have the right of way on the trail.
The REI employees had never heard the story! We had a great laugh about it.
I finally sat down and did some math today. I have to hike 21 miles per day, every day between now and October 1st, if I want to make it to Canada before the snow starts to fly. That means NO ZERO DAYS! I'm not sure I can keep that up. Time will tell.
What a great picture and summary of our fun times! Thanks for posting it! If you are ever in Berkeley, definitely stop by the REI and give us a hello! - Amber H (pictured on right)
SO FAR so good, brother! the REI crew had a fun time listening to your cross-country tales. best of luck to canada and beyond! -henry, far left
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