This is a photo of Catipiller and Landshark. I haven't seen them in a while, and I'm sure they are ahead of me. If I'm lucky, I'll see them at Auga Dulce.

I got an early start this morning, and the hiking was fairly easy. I had a hard time keeping up with Steve and Jane. They both have very long legs, and they walk fast with their treking poles.
I made it to Barrel Springs and had set up my tent. It started to get cool, so I opted to eat a dry dinner of Beef Jerky and a Clif Bar and crawled into my tent, turning in early. Not too long later, Warner Springs Monty came by anouncing that anyone wanting to go to his place for the night, sleeping indoors and using his shower, was welcome to join him. It sounded like a very sweet offer, and two of us decided to go. Along the way, we picked up two more hikers at Scissors Crossing, so there were 4 of us "wayward hikers" camped at Monty's place.
Monty had prepared a wonderful dinner of BBQ Pork Ribs, baked potatoes, green salad, etc. By that point, the hot food was a welcome treat.
Monty shared with us that he was in charge of 2,000 meals at the ADZPCTKO the following weekend, and he hoped that some of us would consider going to the Kick-Off and helping out. I had been planing on going to the Kick-Off, even before I left Oregon, but now that I've been on the trail for a while, it seems difficult to go all the way back to Lake Morena.
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