Staying at the Warner Springs Resort and Spa. What a great place!

Warner Springs Resort is a private resort with a very nice set of pools. One of the pools is heated with a hot spring, and they keep it at 104 degrees. 12 of us all met for dinner at the lodge. We had great fun playing shuffle board after dinner, and there was still time to take one more soak in the pool.
The resort is very friendly towards PCT hikers. If it is not a weekend, they even have special low rates for PCT hikers, which is very nice.
Steve and Jane plan to stay one more day at the resort, so I plan to get an early start. I shared a room with Patrick from Hawaii.
Remember when I almost stepped on that snake? Good times.
I think your prayers are clearly helping buddy :)
Well, So Far,
I have you in the San Jacinto Mtns, below Palm Springs. I am following you on the PCT general map and from your postings, from up here in Salem, Oregon.
I hope that you find another nice pair of sandals. Keep finding water!
Kindest regards,
Old Pick
Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Massagem, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.
Nice work man, already over 100 miles!
I told you to ditch that GPS and get lighter gear, and glad to hear you did, you will be so grateful 500 miles from now. Your shoulders and back thank you.
Just remember to have fun, take zero days, and drink extra beer in towns. The sierras are going to blow you away, take your time through there and enjoy.
I'll be following along,
Carter Hunt (and family)
Hey, we heard you went to kickoff. We made it to the Paradise Cafe, then my mom picked us up and drove us to Idyllwild. There we learned that the trail up to Idyllwild was too hard for our skills, as was Fuller Ridge. So we took a dirt road to mile 190 and hiked down to I-10 where my mom met us again and took us to Palm Springs. Now it's Saturday I guess and we're going to start hiking toward Big Bear. Indiana Red and Slo Jo are probably just ahead of us. Have fun at kickoff buddy.
Steve & Caterpillar
Steve (So Far) Fosdick is going out of cell phone range near Idyllwood, CA at northbound M.P. 166. Steve text messages to say that he is fine.
He had a good time at AZDPCTKO 2008 and is back to hiking.
John Rehm
Salem, Oregon
Steve is out of the San Jacinto Mountains. lhe is across Route 10, west of Palm Springs yesterday morning and is headed north into the San Bernardino Mountains. He went around the Apache Mountain fire near Idyllwood, that of this date, May 2, has grown to 784 acres and is moving away to the southwest.
Old Pick
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