The day started out clear and warm, but it soon turned to clouds and a strong side wind that turned into a head wind for the last 5 miles of the day. They were slow miles! I don't think it will rain, and it's not as muggy as it was last night.
The Adventure Cycling Map says that there is a historical society that runs a museum and allows campers. It was a great place, and people there were very friendly and welcoming! They even had free bottled water! They allowed me to camp on the porch of an old cabin, and they unlocked the bathroom/shower house. What a great place to camp for the night.

A pair of cyclists from Germany, Matthais and Neele, arrived to town shortly after me, so the three of us camped together at the museum. We had a nice visit, and their english was outstanding! They will follow the Southern Tier for a while, but will travel north and end up in San Francisco rather than San Diego. They are planning on seeing some of the National Parks like the Grand Canyon. They said they will end near the 1st of June, so maybe I'll see them again when I'm hiking on the Pacific Crest Trail when they bike West to San Francisco. I hope they will come to Sisters in December, but it might be a long ways to travel from Germany!