The day started out cloudy and cool. After just a short time riding, it started to rain, but not too bad. Then the sky grew dark and the wind started to blow hard. I knew that it was about to be a heavy downpour, and I was already wet from the first round of rain. Not too far later, I found an empty house with a nice carport, so I pulled in to wait out the storm.

Not long afterwards, though, the sun came out and it turned into a very nice afternoon, although it was a little cool.
I rode into the town of Perkinston, but there wasn't too much there except for a nice community college. I was able to get a burger at the Student Center and watched the news for a while. Also had a nice talk with Charlie, the guy that runs the Student Center. But then, it was back on the road.
That evening, there was a bright moon out, and I could ride without my light. I rode until about 7:00 pm or so, and soon found a nice place along side the road to put up my tent. There was very little traffic, so I slept really good.
I'm seeing more and more signs that really strike me. Some are funny, some are deep. Here's my sign for the day:
Thanks to everyone that's following along on my blog. I hope you are enjoying it and I appreciate all your prayers and thoughts. I also enjoy hearing your comments. Thanks to everyone that's sending them to me.
Also, please make plans to join me the last two weeks in December, 2008 in the town of Sisters, Oregon to celebrate the completion of my trip! Everyone is welcome (if I can find a big enough cabin to rent) for a couple of days or for the entire two weeks. Watch this blog for more details as they become available. I'd love to have you as my guest.
Thanks for the updates.
God is on this trip with you.
Your brother in Christ
Thanks for your prayers. So many amazing things and experiences have taken place so far. And yes, God is truly right here beside me all the way!
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