After a nice breakfast at the Oasis Cafe, I made it to St. Augustine, Florida for the official start of the Southern Tier route. Two bikers from Alaska came in for breakfast. They started their ride in Austin, Texas, and were headed for Key West, Florida, following along parts of the Southern Tier Route.

At about 11:00 am, I dipped my rear tire into the Atlantic Ocean and had a nice woman take my picture. St. Augustine is a very old town, with a lot of nice shops and restaurants, and lots of hotels. It was tempting to stay there for the night, but I wanted to move on.
My bike is working pretty good, although my trailer really pulls at my rear axle, and I've been having a lot of trouble with my rear brake. I need to get into a bike shop, but there isn't a bike shop in this town (can you imagine a town without a bike shop?).
I also had to get rid of a few things, and unloaded close to 25 pounds of unnecessary stuff. Most of it, I shipped back to Oregon. If I need it before I start the hike, I can have it shipped back, but I had way too much in the trailer.
I was wanting a place to watch the Superbowl, but in the town of Hastings, where I was hoping to stop for the night, there were no motels and no place to watch the game, so on I went to the town of Palakta, Florida. My arms are a little sunburnt (not too bad ... I'll get some sunscreen later today), and my tailbone is very sore. I'm planning on making today a light day, 20 miles or so.
I ended up staying at the Budget Inn ... was surprised that it was only $55 to stay there. They had a nice TV, and the bed wasn't too bad. I had a difficult time staying awake during the game, though! Even the commercials couldn't keep me awake!
Well, my 30 minutes are just about up, so I need to get back on the road. I'll edit this post to add photos the next chance I get, so scan back to these pages later.
Glad you are enjoying the nice weather, 8o degrees how can you stand it! If we are lucky it will be 50 degrees here next week.
Sorry about your back side. Have you thought of a pillow? We tried to send you a message before, but don't know if it went through. We received the notice for your change of address, do you want us to open it? Also a notice for a package at the post office. We will pick it up tomorrow.
It is good to hear from you, thanks for keeping us posted. We have you in our prayers. Love you, Your Parents.
Hi. All is well here. I'm having a little trouble finding a place to up-load my photos. Most of the libraries have fairly old computers. I'm in Hawthorne, Florida today, heading for Gainsville.
Yes, you can open ANY mail that comes for me. The change of address requires no action unless it is not correct. I'll also call Carol, my old landlord, and see if there is any mail at my old apartment. I'm not aware of anything going to the post office, but I did ship a package via UPS that will come to the house in a few days. I had way too much stuff, so I sent a few things home. Look for the note in the box.
We stopped to check for your mail at old apartment, talked with Carol. No mail. The post office sent conformation letter yesterday. We sent a letter to the first mail stop. I hope it gets there before you. If not just wait for it. (That will be the day).... It's good to hear from you. Lots of love, Your Parents.
I have been following your are on the trip of your dreams....amd meeting such lovely folks along the way. God is indeed maping your way before you and blessing you as you go....what a wonderful adventure...wish i could be there with see the country and keep you company...but, alas, I am not in shape for such a trip.
You are going with GOD, all the way. Jayson
I lost my last message to you signing up to leave a message. I hate computers but wanted you to know I was thinking about you. May God keep Himself close to you in your travels.
Your brother in Christ,
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