There are so many shots everyday, that it is very hard to narrow down which photos to share. Check out images 1790, 1794, 1802, 1816, 1818, 1830, 1835, 1841, 1844, and 1861 at
I'm not sure it was such a good idea to try the most difficult part of this trail (to date) on Friday the 13th! It was without question the most difficult thing I've ever done in my entire life! But, oh, what an exciting adventure it was.
Yesterday in the late afternoon, I watched three hikers start the climb at about 3:00 p.m. I knew that if I started then, I'd get stuck somewhere on the pass and have to camp overnight in the middle, so I stayed in a clearing at the base, and now I'm really glad that I did, because the three hikers all took the wrong path, and ended up crossing too high. The actual trail, that you can't see until you are about 1/2 way up a big pile of rocks, was to the left about 500 yards or so. Once you found the trail, it wasn't too difficult to follow, even with the snow patches. There were more switchbacks than anywhere else on the trail!
Once on the other side, you had to deal with a lot of snow, but about 5 other hikers had passed me on the way up, and they were waiting at the top ... resting and enjoying the view! I hope I can post some of the photos soon because they are totally exciting.
You can view all of the photos at When I get to a computer that has a faster connection than dial-up, I'll post some of the better photos. Keep checking back.
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