After getting my box from the Post Office and sending a small box of unneccessary items home (I love to lighten my pack anytime I can!)
There were about 10 hikers trying to get back to the trailhead. Ted, a computer wizard from town, was shuttling people up to Onion Valley Campground, so at about 10:00 am, I was finally back on the trail. It was a steep climb up to the top of the pass, and with my very heavy pack, I was going very slow!
After a short while, Chris and Hatchet hiked by and shared some very important information with me. I saw them in Bishop on Sunday, and we split to cost of some fuel. Turns out that what they thought was alcohol turned out to be campstove fuel, or "white gas" ... not the same fuel at all. White gas burns much more quickly and had I not known, it might have even caused a small fire. I was lucky to talk with a section hiker that was hiking out to Onion Valley Campground, and his fuel bottle was almost empty (as it should be at the end of your journey!) He offered to take the fuel from my bottle, and I was glad to get rid of it. I'd rather have no fuel and eat my food cold than to have the wrong fuel and potentially cause a fire to start. If I'm lucky, I'll catch up with Chris tomorrow. He discovered that he had the wrong fuel before he left Bishop and had a new full bottle of alcohol that he said he's share with me if found a way to empty my bottle.
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