Friday, June 6, 2008

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Owen's Peak to Spanish Needle Creek. 8 miles. 668 miles total.

I'm really taking my time in this section, as I don't want to get to Kennedy Meadows too early and I'm really liking it here. It's nice to be out of the desert and I really like the trees and the stream.

I got a late start at 9:15 am, but who cares! It quickly got warm, so I took a lot of shade breaks.

Several hikers stopped by my camp late in the day ... boomer, Gater, Pickles, Moondog, Ant Farm and Swiffer, Stabby, Jelly Bean, JB, and Moon Pie! I enjoyed talking with them. Most of them hiked on another mile or two to the second creek crossing.

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