Thursday, May 22, 2008

Monday, May 19, 2008

Agua Dulce to Bear Springs, 9 miles, 464 miles total.

This is the Saufley's "Hiker Heaven".

I had a great time at the Saufley's house in Agua Dulce. Today, I rode the train into Burbank and met my old boss, Ross. We had a great lunch, made a quick stop at the Post Office and another re-supply stop at Von's. Ross drove me back out to Agua Dulce, and even thought I tried to convince him to join me on the trail for awhile, he declined.

I packed up my new supply of food, fuel and supplies, and at about 5:00 pm, decided it would be a good time to leave. Hiking in the evening and after dark was a great way to beat the hot weather, and there was a full moon out. About 9 or 10 hikers all set out during the early evening.

At about 10:30 p.m., I was getting very tired, and I found a great place to put up my tent. It was my plan to sleep a few hours, then head back on the trail. I wanted to get to Green Valley before the hot part of the day.

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